The disciples were a pretty small group. Here in this chapter the Lord appoints seventy-two others and sends them out to do His work. They, much like the disciples healed people and cast out demons in His authority.
But what happens to those that received the healing from these seventy-two or even from the disciples? It does no good, we know, to keep that light to ourselves. Instead we have to see the gifts and knowledge we are given when we get to know the Lord like we're part of the original multi-level marketing scheme (before the concept got a bad wrap). It is our job to then set forth and spread the word about this amazing product - Jesus!
Sure, sometimes we are to pray or act in 'secret' (Matthew 6:6), but we are also to be step forth and offer Jesus' love and even His healing to those we encounter.
I hate to say it as I can hear the doubt I wish I didn't have as i type it: I don't know about you, but I don't feel so confident that I can "heal". We do think "gosh, if only my prayers and touch could take away that person's disease or help them see the light". I think it can, but it also depends on the person you're praying for - they too have to be willing to accept and receive, even if they don't know you're praying for them. Please don't be discouraged if your prayers seem to be "unanswered". I know that's a tall request when you see someone you prayed for in earnest pass away or suffering. Keep praying for them! Ask God where and how else you should be praying.
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