Friday, December 21, 2018

Dec 11 = Luke 11

In this chapter Jesus addresses "how to pray". In addition to presenting a portion of the well known Our Father prayer, Jesus tells us to ask, seek, and knock.
We seem to interpret the "ask" indicated here to treat Him like Santa Claus: here's my list of things I want from you. Clearly we're doing it all wrong, and we're asking for the wrong things.
God knows what we're going through. He knows the outcome. He wants good for us. Why then do we need to ask/pray/talk to Him? The answer is relationship. Jesus wants a relationship with you. Only when you have a close and personal relationship with someone can they help you change. Imagine a stranger telling you something harsh about yourself that needs to change. What do they know?! Imagine a close friend telling you the same thing with love and knowledge of who you are, your hurts, your desires, your heart.
Jesus says "whoever is not with me is against me". Who do you chose to align yourself with in your daily actions, decisions, thoughts, and beliefs? Are you working against Him in your own life and delaying the good things He has planned for you because you are not asking, seeking, and knocking?
Try praying by asking for help understanding. Try praying that God would help you grow/change/evolve. Work with Him rather than against Him.

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